Thursday, September 30, 2010

Here They Go Again

Ok Go is notorious for great music videos shot continuous (no cuts). Like this now classic and
this one, oh and this amazing mechanical feat. Here's their latest effort.


Chana Keefer said...

I'm ripping this off to post on FB. Thanks, awesome man!

Your C.

Matthew Maners said...

Hey Mark,

I think you and I use to work at the same building years ago. I use to work at Warners Feature Animation at Sherman Oaks. I see you at RLC. Anyway, cool that someone else works in the feild of animation.


Mark Keefer said...

Hey Matt, thanks for commenting. Would love to reconnect with you at RLC and find out what you're up to these days. I play drums every other weekend, so come find me between services if you ever get the chance.