This is a picture of my Grandmother Esther (we still call her Grandmommy). She might be the person able to claim the highest amount of influence over who I am today. While she deserves parades and trophies, a star on the "walk of fame", or any other imaginable accolade, she has gone through life largely unnoticed by the outside world.
To me however, she was the one who quit her job to stay at home and keep me while my Mom worked. She fit me in her chair with her while we colored together, and she would genuinely praise my Lincoln Logs homes or car models I haphazardly built for her.
Luckily, she is still around, and I have had ample opportunity to tell her of the impact she's had on my life. We've always been close, and will always be. At two weeks shy of 94, she still has the chipper attitude and sweet personality I loved her for as a child.

Please pray for her, as she's been struggling hard with health issues. Perhaps one day I'll go into all she's dealing with, but for now, please pray for her comfort and peace. I know she's ready to move on (she's said so), so when that time comes, I will reluctantly rejoice for her.
Now, I'd like to challenge you to think of the person to whom you owe more to than you could ever give back. If you can, go and tell them what they have meant to you.
I am praying--and thinking of the "whom" I need to thank the most...
She is a beautiful woman.
And your challenge is more difficult than it should be....
we will definitely pray for her - my great-grandma sadie had a remarkable impact on my persuit of virtue. i don't have near enough space here to go into it, but she remained faithful and unfailingly positive through some serious trials and troubles - as i'm sure your grandma esther did as well - we need more of them these days.
Sniff, sniff. Beautifully said. I couldn't agree more. I love you.
Shucks, thanks sis.
What a lovely woman and a lovely tribute.
Thank you all for your prayers.
wow, shes beautiful.
i will deffeantly keep her and your family in my prayers
Thank you so much. :)
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