I have two drum sets. I've had one of them ever since I started playing. I got it for my birthday in May of '79. It's a small vintage WFL kit. I have recorded with it tons of times; it may not look like much, but it sounds amazing.
I also have a gorgeous DW (Drum Workshop) kit that looks good, sounds good, and is basically perfect. (shown are my craigslist pics)

Well, usually I have really good luck selling equipment, but every once in a while, I meet an almost supernatural resistance in selling something.
It's like God is saying, "Um, you're not finished with those yet... keep 'em." Unfortunately it takes me about 20 times longer than the average person to decipher God's voice, so I kept them up for sale for what felt like forever. Nothing. Not one serious call.

By the way, my wife and kids were sick about it when they heard I was trying to sell the DW's - they're very pleased that they didn't sell, and that I've decided to keep them. Maybe I should have listened to them in the first place.
UPDATE: 07-03-08 - Got these sold today. My guess is that God knew I need the money more right now than when I was first trying to sell. It's all good.
Sorry if I post it here.
I'm an avid animation collector and I'm also able to keep secrets under my hat.
Is there something you are allowed to say about the LTGC 6, like some of the contents or the themes of the discs?
If so, here's my email:
Thanks in advance and congrats for your magnificent work in the first 5 GCs.
You'll have to reference this post when you tell us what these drums do in the future.
Captain Dodgers,
I can't reveal anything of significance about this project (discs, themes and such) without Warner Home Video coming after me. I usually wait for Jerry Beck to publish the list on his blog.
I can say it's a very good collection, and anyone who is a true collector has been waiting a long time for many of these titles.
Natalie, thanks, I will keep you updated.
OK and thanks anyway!
Um... I think God is telling you that your are supposed to gift those drums to a family of 8 on Long Island. Do ya hear it? DO ya hear the message?? ;-)
I've laid down too many feel-good bass lines alongside that DW set. I think I'd be sad if you sold it.
BTW, I found a cassette of the song I wrote or my wedding. We recorded it at your little project studio in the back room of your house. Once I get it into my computer (gotta find a cassette deck), I'll send you an mp3.
Karen, isn't it interesting how wrong we can be when we think we're hearing God's voice? :)
Rich, I'd love to hear that song. I had forgotten about it. Send it on.
oh. nice drums. i learned to play drums on a DW set - much like that one. my college buddy's... i've never owned any, though!!
Beats the heck outta what I learned on - must've been nice.
Since you are now a drummer, I would encourage you to invest in a DW kit of your very own. There's nothing like having your own DW's.
I'm glad you're not selling them. Besides, what would your cat Asia hide behind without them sitting there?
My name is Tobias. Located in Sweden. I got to know about Triibe through 24/7prayer. I've been looking to get hold of the album Raw. Do you know where to get it online?
thanks and God bless!
Hi Tobias,
I'm not sure, let me check it out with one of the other guys in Triibe and let you know. (I don't have any, and the link may be down for purchasing)
Hi, Mark! It's your favorite former youth student, Leslie (Castillo). Tried emailing a few times, but I know you are very busy. I love reading your blog, especially when you mention what's going on in your life and your wife. I saw your "formerly-the calling" myspace page. Are you still part of that band? Do you have any videos? I guess I could search youtube; as you said, they have everything.
I read your blog about the drums. They are beautiful. My oldest just completed his first year in band playing the trumpet. I was surprised that he took to it so well. He also wants to start playing drums. He wanted to play drums in band but he's really bad at understanding the beat, lol. Anyway, he's saving his money to buy himself a set.
Is Chana doing any acting? I'd love to show my kids. I have been trying to find the Blaine Bartel FBN videos where she plays Roy Boy(?). I can't find ANY FBN videos at all. I know my parents have a couple of her commercials recorded: April from the Pizza Hut commercial where she talks to herself in the mirror and the Folgers coffee commercial where she sings and plays guitar. How about a tape or CD of her singing?
I know I'm babbling. If you lost my email address, it's lwong82d@msn.com
Hi Leslie,
Thanks for the memories. I will reply to you in an email.
Take care,
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