A lot has been happening over the last 6 weeks or so, so let's get to it.

I am now a motorcycle rider. I have been researching this world for several months now, and I finally took my Motorcycle Safety Course and got my license. A month ago I bought a bike. After much hemming and hawing, I went with the Suzuki DL650. It's a great bike for commuting and can go on dirt roads too.

You know you want one.
Speaking of biking, thanks to my friend Jason, I was able to take Micah out dirt biking for his 15th birthday. We were both smitten, and we've vowed to go back soon.

We also took the kids to the El Capitan to see the recently refurbished "Jungle Book", set up by our friend Brenda. On the way to the theater, we met up with The Batman and Super Girl. (I love how McKenna is in her Super Girl pose.)

I took this at a nearby park we frequent. It might have to go on an album cover sometime. Or... not, but it's cool.

Oh, and it rained once. Weird.

And last but definitely not least, Micah made this for his youth pastor Steve for Christmas. Micah has a couple snakes and a lizard. Steve has a problem with reptiles, so Micah gave him this thoughtful gift. Kinda creepy, but I also think it's brilliant.

I've been on the "I'm totally going to buy a motorcycle soon" kick for about, oh, three years now. I am extremely envious, but equally intrigued. In other words : That's freaking awesome.
Thanks. It has been a blast. That said, I'm kinda glad I waited 'til my 40's to get a bike. I think I'm being MUCH more careful now than I would've been 20 years ago, though I know there are SOME responsible 22 year olds out there...
nice bike - you're a stud! wish I was there to ride with you - not quite as fun up here in oregon. too much of that weird "rain" stuff...
Jon - It's definitely a sign you should move back to LA. I know you're getting all settled and everything, but it's more fun here with us, right?
Suh-weet BIKE!!! Do you have your leather digs yet?
My sons have done the dirtbiking thing for years, but have since moved on to other things. They have no where to ride anymore. They get (or shall we say "I GET") slapped with $150 fines when they ride the trails and powerlines behind our house. I told them, "Next time the cops are after ya, try out-running them, cuz your sweettalk ain't workin' no more." hee
Great bike!! What does Chana think about it. They actually make me a bit nervous. Glad you're back!
Bummer your kids don't have a "legal" area near to ride. I love dirt biking, and want to do more.
Chana's cool with it, but I think she prays extra hard when I leave the house. She also likes that I'm saving about 3/4 on my normal gas bill now. Not bad.
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