We went to see The Police at Dodger's Stadium last night. It was so great to see the band play together again. (I went to see them on The Ghost in the Machine tour 25 years ago) Anyway, last night was a terrific show.

The Foo Fighters preceded The Police, and though there were sound issues, they had a great set. Thanks to LA traffic, we missed Sting's son's band that opened.
heading to new orleans for the show this saturday, i'm guardedly excited. so scared they've re-arranged the life out of the back catalogue.
On the whole, you'll be very pleased with the show as long as you realize that this isn't the same group you saw 25 years ago. The songs still hold up, and Stewart's performance really does cover a multitude of sins.
Have fun. It will be worth it.
No doubt about it, fun is on order. I plan to stuff myself full of po boys and oysters and then watch Stewart do his thang.
Let me know how it went...
Awww Mark--you suck! jk. I never got those $2500 tickets afterall.
Small price to pay Karen....
yeah, financial issues have kept me from getting tix to the chicago shows...
not sure if you're familiar with fiction plane (sting's son's band), but from a few live performances i've seen on late-night t.v., you didn't miss anything at all.
I'm not familiar with Fiction Plane, but I've heard the same thing from other guys.
That would be awkward to be Sting's son, and be in a lame band.
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